CFPs: Development of Rehabilitation Programmes and Care Services inside Prisons

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  • #16017

    Kujalink Team

    The Penal Reform International has announced a call for proposals to support the promotion and protection of human rights in places of detention.

    Deadline: 30-Jun-24

    Eligibility Criteria

    • The applicant organization should:
      • be officially registered in the Sudan as a non-profit civil society organization and is allowed to operate.
      • Has at least two years of experience in implementing similar activities.
      • Has clear and proven experience in the field.
      • be able to submit monthly progress reports.
      • be able to submit transparent financial reports every three months.
      • be committed to documenting all cases including photographs.
      • be committed to adhere to confidentiality and privacy standards in dealing with cases.

    Funding Information

    • Any requested contribution (grant) under this call for proposals must fall between the following:
      • Minimum amount: 15,000 euros
      • Maximum amount: 35,000 euros
    • The number of grants to be awarded will not exceed six (6).

    Apply Here

Original Post
0 of 0 posts June 2018