Admin FAQ

Adding Org Logo to KL site

  1. Download logo to Org Logos file 
  2. Identify the Org profile author
    1. In KL dashboard, select ‘All Organizations’ from left column
    2. Search for Org
    3. Author is listed next to Org Title
  3. Login as Org Author
    1. In KL dashboard, select ‘Users’
    2. Search for the Org Author’s name
    3. Click ‘View As’ the author
  4. Upload logo to site
    1. Go to My Org while logged in as the author
    2. Scroll down to bottom of ‘About My Org’ section to the Add Logo button
    3. Click through, add the logo
    4. Scroll to bottom of My Org page and click Submit
    5. Log out of Org author’s account


Referring Network Link: Add new

  • Open KL dashboard
    • In left column, select BuddyForms 
    • Click on User registration form
    • Click to edit Referring Network
  • At very bottom of Network list there’s a + button; click that to add new Org link.
    • Empty field appears;
    • add Org name in first field, and Link (Acronym) to be used in second field
    • Click & hold on up/down arrow icon to left of Network name & drag the new Org link field up into alphabetical order; 
    • be careful! (Top few are not in alpha order bc they are most used; leave as is)
  • Scroll up to top of page, click blue update button on right.
  • Follow this path to the form: