Call for Expressions of Interest: GCERF Funding for CSOs in Ghana

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  • #15925

    Kujalink Team

    The Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) is pleased to announce a call for expressions of interest for CSOs in Ghana to form a consortium and become a Principal Recipient (PR) of GCERF funding.

    Deadline: 10-Jun-2024

    Funding Information

    • GCERF plans to sign agreements with CSOs during Q3 2024 and will fund up to three grants.
    • The grant size will be at least 700 000 USD and a maximum of 1 M USD.


    • The grants will be at least 30 months (about 2 and a half years) and no more than 42 months (about 3 and a half years).

    For More Information Visit

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0 of 0 posts June 2018