Jana Robeyst Trust Fund for Early Career Conservationists in Sub-Saharan Africa

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  • #15811

    Kujalink Team

    The Jana Robeyst Trust Fund (JRTF) is providing financial resources to early career biologists/conservationists to carry out vital field conservation and research work in Africa.

    Deadline: 31-Aug-2024

    Eligible Projects

    • Eligible project will have a clear conservation value and be based in a country in sub-Saharan Africa. Preference will go to projects in relation with elephants. Education projects will also be considered.
    • Travel costs for presentation of the project at a conference, or participation to workshop/training program will also be considered.
    • Purchase of field equipment if they are essential in completing field work.

    Amount: Up to 1,500 euros.

    More information Click here

Original Post
0 of 0 posts June 2018