Giving Bad News

  • Giving Bad News

  • Lexi Mairone

    May 24, 2022 at 1:33 pm
    ContributorFounding Member

    Thank you for sharing this! I believe delivering bad news is the most difficult part of being a funder. On my team at Humanity United, we have discussed how we give bad news as part of our commitment to transparent communication. When saying “no” or “no for now” to a grant seeker we try our best to be direct, communicating clearly that funding is not available and also communicating whether it might be a good fit in the future. We also give feedback about what we’d want to see in a future proposal that would make it a better fit. Sometimes, we are able to make introductions to other funders but that is not always easy.

    Other bad news we may need to communicate include the end of a funding relationship, or a decrease in grant size from previous. These can be even more challenging.

    I’d be really interested to hear how other funders deliver bad news, and what grant-seeking organizations value most when receiving bad news.

Original Post
0 of 0 posts June 2018