Kujalink Office Hours Minutes 23/08/2022


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  • #4789

    Kujalink Team

    Hello Members.

    I hope you are all doing well.

    Here are the minutes of our office hours that happened on 23/08/2022.

    Members Present

    Halima – KujaLink

    Edgar – KujaLink

    Samira Noori – INSAN

    Lexi Mairone – Humanity United

    We discussed about the changes of the Kujalink platform ahead of the soft launch i.e

    • The Changed Logo

    • The Updated about page

    • The FAQ

    • Policies updated on the website i.e Code of Conduct, Privacy Policy and Moderation Policy

    • Members urged to go through this section and suggest changes – if need be –

    • 23 organizations in the pilot phase. Out of these, 17 have created their profiles

    • The members that are yet to fill their profile are urged to do so…

    • The possibility of engaging as a community was discussed

    • The members are urged to be active on the platform


    • Search bar to be better improved – availability of an advanced search bar will be created for easier and more in depth searches

    • Searches will be able to be saved in the KujaLink internal web search to make it easier for people to get information about any topic that was already searched for

    Within your busy schedule, we encourage members to create time and join the Office hours.

    See you all next Tuesday

Original Post
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