Member Spotlight

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  • #4122

    Deleted User

    Hello there 🙂

    Long time no post!!

    Just to let you know that this month we will have our first feature of Member Spotlight!

    What is this you might ask? Basically, KujaLink is YOUR platform and so we want your voice to be felt and heard in the community. We are giving you the opportunity to record yourself for exactly 1 minute where you introduce yourself – where you work – and what your organisation does.

    How does this help? Other members get to know you and that connection that you are looking for is easily made!

    Our member spotlight for this month is Sameera Noori of COAR and I am super excited for you to watch her video. 🙂

    Reach out to me on the platform if you wish to feature in next month’s edition.

    Looking forward to hearing from you…

Original Post
0 of 0 posts June 2018