Office Hours – Meet The Users

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  • #3841

    Deleted User

    Hi there 🙂

    In preparation of the soft launch, our development team is working tirelessly to rebrand the website using the various suggestions you have been providing during the office hours sessions – Thanks a lot for that by the way👍.

    As we move forward I am looking to host an office hours session titled – Meet the Users- *to begin in May*.

    Here I intend to interact with you on a regional basis. This means I allocate a 1 hour office hours session to you where I get to give you more insight on the platform, you get to interact with members from the same region either working in the same field as you or different. A great way to exchange ideas and form those relationships – We can go through features that are working for you and those which are not! You can ask any questions or give any suggestions you might have in regards to bettering your experience on the site.

    I think this is an excellent way to interact on a regional basis and I believe it will be of great help to both you and the KujaLink team.

    So, without too much text, you can fill this form – which will allow you to input details about your organisation and the region it is situated in and the date you would like to have the session.

    This will help me easily group members and their regions.

    Remember: These sessions are to begin in May.

    I am hoping to see a filled form from you 😊

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0 of 0 posts June 2018