Random – What’s on Your Mind
This group is for everyone in the KujaLink community to connect and discuss general information about their work and share information about themselves.
Go ahead, join the group, introduce yourself, begin discussions and most importantly, network!
Photos for KujaLink
Submit a photo for our site
I know we are all still getting familiar with the Groups on KujaLink. I am excited to see more members joining and a few commenting and posting as well.
After great feedback from members, we are redesigning both the public Home page and the main Member page you see when you log in to KujaLink. We’d love to showcase you, the work of your organization and the support you provide your communities by hosting some of your photos on these pages.
Please share, in replies to this posting (you can upload the photo to the post), a photo or two that you’d love for us to use. The best photo would be in [landscape] format and be large enough and clear enough to span the width of the page.
Only share photos which you or your organization have the rights to use. All photos will be posted with a credit so please let us know who took the photo and what the photo represents.
I look forward to seeing your submissions.