Alternative Convos: New Episode Alert! 🌍

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  • #12742


    🎙 Exciting New Episode Alert! 🌍

    Delighted to share the latest episode of Alternative Convos

    The Episode delved into the crucial topic of mental health, self-care, and collective care for social justice, and humanitarian and environmental activists in Africa. 🌿

    🔗 Access the episode on Spotify:

    🔗 Listen on Google:

    🔗 Tune in on Apple:

    Alternative Convos Podcast is more than just a talk show, it is a movement for positive transformation in Africa. 🌐 Our aim is to foster unity and provide a platform for passionate activists, skilled practitioners, and creative thinkers to share their valuable insights on the issues shaping Africa’s progress.

    🌟 Join us in creating a safe space where diverse perspectives are not just welcomed but celebrated! 🎉 Let us drive positive change together.

Original Post
0 of 0 posts June 2018