Organization Search
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City, State/Region, Country: Kampala, Kampala, UG
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: Yes
Org Type(s): Coalition or Network
Countries where you work: UG
Level of work: International
Sustainable Development Goals: 13: Climate Action
Org Mission:
Org Description: WCCI, led by a partnership of women development professionals in Uganda, Kenya, South Africa and the United States, co-creates hubs for sustainable climate solutions with vulnerable communities. Climate Centers address climate change systemically through programming in four key areas: community conservation and restoration, climate smart technologies, bio-intensive farming, forestry and leadership and entrepreneurship .
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: Yes
Org Type(s): Coalition or Network
Countries where you work: UG
Level of work: International
Sustainable Development Goals: 13: Climate Action
Org Mission:
Org Description: WCCI, led by a partnership of women development professionals in Uganda, Kenya, South Africa and the United States, co-creates hubs for sustainable climate solutions with vulnerable communities. Climate Centers address climate change systemically through programming in four key areas: community conservation and restoration, climate smart technologies, bio-intensive farming, forestry and leadership and entrepreneurship .
350 Kenya power Shift
City, State/Region, Country: , ,
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: Yes
Org Type(s): * We will fill this in later.
Countries where you work:
Level of work:
Sustainable Development Goals: 13: Climate Action
Org Mission:
Org Description:
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: Yes
Org Type(s): * We will fill this in later.
Countries where you work:
Level of work:
Sustainable Development Goals: 13: Climate Action
Org Mission:
Org Description:
A.C Consorcio Desarrollo y Justicia
City, State/Region, Country: , ,
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: Yes
Org Type(s): Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Countries where you work: VE
Level of work: Multi-Country
Sustainable Development Goals: 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Org Mission: Ejecutar proyectos destinados a promover el desarrollo social sostenible e inclusivo y la protección de los Derechos Humanos, incluyendo estrategias de transversalización de género para su respeto, y el fortalecimiento de la democracia, la justicia y la paz.
Org Description: Asociación Civil sin fines de lucro fundada en el año 1993. Una organización con más de 29 años de trayectoria en el país, promoviendo la democracia, el estado de derecho y los Derechos Humanos en Venezuela.
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: Yes
Org Type(s): Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Countries where you work: VE
Level of work: Multi-Country
Sustainable Development Goals: 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Org Mission: Ejecutar proyectos destinados a promover el desarrollo social sostenible e inclusivo y la protección de los Derechos Humanos, incluyendo estrategias de transversalización de género para su respeto, y el fortalecimiento de la democracia, la justicia y la paz.
Org Description: Asociación Civil sin fines de lucro fundada en el año 1993. Una organización con más de 29 años de trayectoria en el país, promoviendo la democracia, el estado de derecho y los Derechos Humanos en Venezuela.
City, State/Region, Country: , ,
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: Yes
Org Type(s):
Countries where you work:
Level of work:
Sustainable Development Goals: 13: Climate Action
Org Mission:
Org Description:
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: Yes
Org Type(s):
Countries where you work:
Level of work:
Sustainable Development Goals: 13: Climate Action
Org Mission:
Org Description:
ACCSS - Asociación Coordinadora Comunitaria de Servicios para la Salud
City, State/Region, Country: , ,
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: Yes
Org Type(s): Voluntary body
Countries where you work: GT
Level of work: National
Sustainable Development Goals: 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Org Mission: Español: Contribuir a eliminar las condiciones que propician la extrema pobreza, exclusión social, autoritarismo y falta de democracia; trabajando con las comunidades y grupos meta en: Defensa de Derechos y el desarrollo sostenible; contribuyendo a que éstos vean la comunidad de manera integrada, concertada y teniendo en cuenta: la relación con el entorno microregional y municipal, la equidad, igualdad, de género, el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural, y la sostenibilidad. ACCSS es una institución renovada y fortalecida, reconocida por su experiencia y compromiso en la promoción de la salud comunitaria, el desarrollo comunitario sostenible y su enfoque integral en ambos temas; por su confiabilidad en el manejo de recursos, la transparencia y la implementación de políticas específicas ; por la innovación y transferencia de tecnología apropiable que aporta soluciones sostenibles, ante la necesidad de adaptabilidad y cambio de hábitos, para aminorar el impacto y los riesgos del cambio climático; por su proceso descentralizador, hacia las regiones y al mismo tiempo por el fortalecimiento de los diferentes espacios de concertación, construcción participativa del conocimiento y de toma de decisiones. Su membresía y personal está altamente motivado, capacitado y comprometido con la misión institucional. English Contribute to eliminate the conditions that favor extreme poverty, social exclusion, authoritarianism and lack of democracy; working with communities and target groups on: Advocacy and sustainable development; helping them see the community in an integrated, concerted manner and taking into account: the relationship with the micro-regional and municipal environment, equity, equality, gender, the strengthening of cultural identity, and sustainability. ACCSS is a renewed and strengthened institution, recognized for its experience and commitment in promoting community health, sustainable community development and its comprehensive approach to both issues; for its reliability in the management of resources, transparency and the implementation of specific policies; for the innovation and transfer of appropriable technology that provides sustainable solutions, given the need for adaptability and change of habits, to reduce the impact and risks of climate change; for its decentralization process, towards the regions and at the same time for the strengthening of the different spaces for agreement, participatory construction of knowledge and decision-making. Its membership and staff are highly motivated, trained, and committed to the institutional mission.
Org Description: Español: Somos una Asociación Civil, no aplica la lista que esta arriba, porque el término de ONG no nos representa, y nuestro trabajo es de acompañamiento a Comunidades que han sido historicamente excluidas y vulnerada por diversos motivos: conflicto interno de Guatemala, refugio en Mëxico, Retorno, Comunidades de Población en Resistencia, reasentadas, reubicadas, y afectadas por diverso eventos y riesgos de desastres Naturales, antropicos, socionaturales, polticos/sociales. Nos conformamos en el año 1983 ante el exodo de poblaicón rural y comunitaria que salió al exilio a México y otros paises de Centro América, , dimos acompañamiento al asentamiento que tuvieron en Mëxico, en los diversos estados del sur este mexicano, formamos una Asociación Civil, denomiando Comité Coordinador de Servicios para la Salud Comunitaria para apoyarles, logrando perosneria juridoca en el año de 1985, de igual forma a población que se refugió en las montañas del país en busca de salvar sus vidas, en México nos denminamos, según nuestras siglas: CCSS A.C. Cuando se dan los retornos y la salida a la luz publica de éstas poblaciones en Resistencia (CPRs), tambie´n nosotras retornamos a Guatemala, y aqui formamos lo que ahora es Asociación Coordinadora Comunitaria de Servicios para la Salud, ACCSS, obteniendo la personeria jurídica en Guatemala como Asociación Civil en el año 2000, hemos acompañado a diveros grupos de población en temas de reasentamiento, migración, salud comuinitaria, Gestion de Riesgos, organización y formación de niñas, niños y jovenes, formación de promotoras, promotores en Salud Oral, Ambiental, Comadronas, Facilitadoras y facilitadore WASH, de Medios de Vida e incedencia Politica. , Estamos constituidas legalmente y contamos con personeria jurídica en Guatemala, tenemops registro ante la SAT, podemos establecer convenios de cooperación a distitos nivels, contamos con Plan Estratégico, Politicas de Protección Organizaiconal de NNA, Género, Salvaguarda, Compras, Personal, y otras que estamos formulando. Trabajamos prioritariamente en la Región fronteriza de Guatemala con Mëxico, en el Ixcán y en la Costa Sur en la franja de la Boca Costa hacia el litoral pacífico. Somos miembros e impulsoras de varias redes, nacionales como la Convergencia Ciudadana de Getión de Riesgos, Cociger, otras redes binacionales, como al Mesa Transfronteriza de Migración y Género, Redes Regionales como la CRGR, redes mundiales como la GNDR y NEAR. Establecemos convenios de Cooperacion y coordinación con agencias Internacionales, y con Institucionales Nacionales. Hemos ejecutado en el pasado fondos de la UE, de Cooperacion Alemana, Ingelsa, de Irlanda, Española y Suiza. Siempre nos hemos gobernado por una asamblea, una Juntairectiva y una Dirección Ejecutiva colectiva, que en la actualidad la conformamos tres mujeres con una larga trayecora de trabajo comunitario organizativo, educativo y formativo, en los programas que marca nuestro Plan Estratégico. English: We are a Civil Association, the list above does not apply, because the term NGO does not represent us, and our work is to accompany Communities that have historically been excluded and violated for various reasons: internal conflict in Guatemala, refuge in Mexico, Return, Communities of Population in Resistance, resettled, relocated, and affected by various events and risks of Natural, anthropogenic, socio-natural, political/social disasters. We settled in 1983 before the exodus of rural and community population that went into exile to Mexico and other Central American countries, we gave support to the settlement that they had in Mexico, in the various states of the south east of Mexico, we formed a Civil Association , naming the Coordinating Committee of Community Health Services to support them, achieving legal representation in the year 1985, in the same way to the population that took refuge in the mountains of the country in search of saving their lives, in Mexico we call ourselves, according to our acronym : CCSS A.C. When the returns and the release of these populations in Resistencia (CPRs) take place, we also return to Guatemala, and here we form what is now the Community Coordinating Association of Health Services, ACCSS, obtaining legal status legal in Guatemala as a Civil Association in the year 2000, we have accompanied various population groups on issues of resettlement, migration, community health, Risk Management, organization and training of girls, boys and young people, training of promoters, promoters in Oral Health , Environmental, Midwives, Facilitators and WASH facilitators, Livelihoods and Political influence. We are legally constituted and have legal status in Guatemala, we are registered with the SAT, we can establish cooperation agreements at different levels, we have a Strategic Plan, Organizational Protection Policies for NNA, Gender, Safeguarding, Purchases, Personnel, and others that we are formulating. We work primarily in the Guatemala-Mexico border region, in Ixcán and on the South Coast in the Boca Costa strip towards the Pacific coast. We are members and promoters of several national networks such as the Citizen Convergence for Risk Management, Cociger, other binational networks, such as the Cross-Border Roundtable on Migration and Gender, Regional Networks such as the CRGR, global networks such as GNDR and NEAR. We establish cooperation and coordination agreements with international agencies, and with national institutions. In the past we have executed funds from the EU, German Cooperation, Ingelsa, Ireland, Spain and Switzerland.
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: Yes
Org Type(s): Voluntary body
Countries where you work: GT
Level of work: National
Sustainable Development Goals: 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Org Mission: Español: Contribuir a eliminar las condiciones que propician la extrema pobreza, exclusión social, autoritarismo y falta de democracia; trabajando con las comunidades y grupos meta en: Defensa de Derechos y el desarrollo sostenible; contribuyendo a que éstos vean la comunidad de manera integrada, concertada y teniendo en cuenta: la relación con el entorno microregional y municipal, la equidad, igualdad, de género, el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural, y la sostenibilidad. ACCSS es una institución renovada y fortalecida, reconocida por su experiencia y compromiso en la promoción de la salud comunitaria, el desarrollo comunitario sostenible y su enfoque integral en ambos temas; por su confiabilidad en el manejo de recursos, la transparencia y la implementación de políticas específicas ; por la innovación y transferencia de tecnología apropiable que aporta soluciones sostenibles, ante la necesidad de adaptabilidad y cambio de hábitos, para aminorar el impacto y los riesgos del cambio climático; por su proceso descentralizador, hacia las regiones y al mismo tiempo por el fortalecimiento de los diferentes espacios de concertación, construcción participativa del conocimiento y de toma de decisiones. Su membresía y personal está altamente motivado, capacitado y comprometido con la misión institucional. English Contribute to eliminate the conditions that favor extreme poverty, social exclusion, authoritarianism and lack of democracy; working with communities and target groups on: Advocacy and sustainable development; helping them see the community in an integrated, concerted manner and taking into account: the relationship with the micro-regional and municipal environment, equity, equality, gender, the strengthening of cultural identity, and sustainability. ACCSS is a renewed and strengthened institution, recognized for its experience and commitment in promoting community health, sustainable community development and its comprehensive approach to both issues; for its reliability in the management of resources, transparency and the implementation of specific policies; for the innovation and transfer of appropriable technology that provides sustainable solutions, given the need for adaptability and change of habits, to reduce the impact and risks of climate change; for its decentralization process, towards the regions and at the same time for the strengthening of the different spaces for agreement, participatory construction of knowledge and decision-making. Its membership and staff are highly motivated, trained, and committed to the institutional mission.
Org Description: Español: Somos una Asociación Civil, no aplica la lista que esta arriba, porque el término de ONG no nos representa, y nuestro trabajo es de acompañamiento a Comunidades que han sido historicamente excluidas y vulnerada por diversos motivos: conflicto interno de Guatemala, refugio en Mëxico, Retorno, Comunidades de Población en Resistencia, reasentadas, reubicadas, y afectadas por diverso eventos y riesgos de desastres Naturales, antropicos, socionaturales, polticos/sociales. Nos conformamos en el año 1983 ante el exodo de poblaicón rural y comunitaria que salió al exilio a México y otros paises de Centro América, , dimos acompañamiento al asentamiento que tuvieron en Mëxico, en los diversos estados del sur este mexicano, formamos una Asociación Civil, denomiando Comité Coordinador de Servicios para la Salud Comunitaria para apoyarles, logrando perosneria juridoca en el año de 1985, de igual forma a población que se refugió en las montañas del país en busca de salvar sus vidas, en México nos denminamos, según nuestras siglas: CCSS A.C. Cuando se dan los retornos y la salida a la luz publica de éstas poblaciones en Resistencia (CPRs), tambie´n nosotras retornamos a Guatemala, y aqui formamos lo que ahora es Asociación Coordinadora Comunitaria de Servicios para la Salud, ACCSS, obteniendo la personeria jurídica en Guatemala como Asociación Civil en el año 2000, hemos acompañado a diveros grupos de población en temas de reasentamiento, migración, salud comuinitaria, Gestion de Riesgos, organización y formación de niñas, niños y jovenes, formación de promotoras, promotores en Salud Oral, Ambiental, Comadronas, Facilitadoras y facilitadore WASH, de Medios de Vida e incedencia Politica. , Estamos constituidas legalmente y contamos con personeria jurídica en Guatemala, tenemops registro ante la SAT, podemos establecer convenios de cooperación a distitos nivels, contamos con Plan Estratégico, Politicas de Protección Organizaiconal de NNA, Género, Salvaguarda, Compras, Personal, y otras que estamos formulando. Trabajamos prioritariamente en la Región fronteriza de Guatemala con Mëxico, en el Ixcán y en la Costa Sur en la franja de la Boca Costa hacia el litoral pacífico. Somos miembros e impulsoras de varias redes, nacionales como la Convergencia Ciudadana de Getión de Riesgos, Cociger, otras redes binacionales, como al Mesa Transfronteriza de Migración y Género, Redes Regionales como la CRGR, redes mundiales como la GNDR y NEAR. Establecemos convenios de Cooperacion y coordinación con agencias Internacionales, y con Institucionales Nacionales. Hemos ejecutado en el pasado fondos de la UE, de Cooperacion Alemana, Ingelsa, de Irlanda, Española y Suiza. Siempre nos hemos gobernado por una asamblea, una Juntairectiva y una Dirección Ejecutiva colectiva, que en la actualidad la conformamos tres mujeres con una larga trayecora de trabajo comunitario organizativo, educativo y formativo, en los programas que marca nuestro Plan Estratégico. English: We are a Civil Association, the list above does not apply, because the term NGO does not represent us, and our work is to accompany Communities that have historically been excluded and violated for various reasons: internal conflict in Guatemala, refuge in Mexico, Return, Communities of Population in Resistance, resettled, relocated, and affected by various events and risks of Natural, anthropogenic, socio-natural, political/social disasters. We settled in 1983 before the exodus of rural and community population that went into exile to Mexico and other Central American countries, we gave support to the settlement that they had in Mexico, in the various states of the south east of Mexico, we formed a Civil Association , naming the Coordinating Committee of Community Health Services to support them, achieving legal representation in the year 1985, in the same way to the population that took refuge in the mountains of the country in search of saving their lives, in Mexico we call ourselves, according to our acronym : CCSS A.C. When the returns and the release of these populations in Resistencia (CPRs) take place, we also return to Guatemala, and here we form what is now the Community Coordinating Association of Health Services, ACCSS, obtaining legal status legal in Guatemala as a Civil Association in the year 2000, we have accompanied various population groups on issues of resettlement, migration, community health, Risk Management, organization and training of girls, boys and young people, training of promoters, promoters in Oral Health , Environmental, Midwives, Facilitators and WASH facilitators, Livelihoods and Political influence. We are legally constituted and have legal status in Guatemala, we are registered with the SAT, we can establish cooperation agreements at different levels, we have a Strategic Plan, Organizational Protection Policies for NNA, Gender, Safeguarding, Purchases, Personnel, and others that we are formulating. We work primarily in the Guatemala-Mexico border region, in Ixcán and on the South Coast in the Boca Costa strip towards the Pacific coast. We are members and promoters of several national networks such as the Citizen Convergence for Risk Management, Cociger, other binational networks, such as the Cross-Border Roundtable on Migration and Gender, Regional Networks such as the CRGR, global networks such as GNDR and NEAR. We establish cooperation and coordination agreements with international agencies, and with national institutions. In the past we have executed funds from the EU, German Cooperation, Ingelsa, Ireland, Spain and Switzerland.
ACLO - Fundación Acción Cultural Loyola
City, State/Region, Country: , ,
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: Yes
Org Type(s): Civic organisation
Countries where you work: BO
Level of work: National
Sustainable Development Goals: 1: No Poverty,2: Zero Hunger,3: Good Health and Well-being,4: Quality Education,8: Decent Work and Economic Growth,10: Reduced Inequality,13: Climate Action
Org Mission: Una Bolivia justa, solidaria, intercultural, democrática, sostenible en armonía con el medio ambiente, donde los empobrecidos de los pueblos indígenas originarios campesinos y poblaciones urbano populares, han alcanzado el Vivir Bien (Allin Kawsay – Yaiko Kavi – Sumaj Q’amaña).
Org Description: Somos una institución de inspiración cristiana-ignaciana liberadora y con voz propia que desde el Sur de Bolivia y, a través de nuestras acciones de promoción social, económico-productivas, educativas-comunicativas, incidencia política y medio ambiental, buscamos cambios estructurales para lograr Vivir Bien. Acción Cultural Loyola (ACLO) fue fundada en 1966 por la Compañía de Jesús, con el objetivo de ayudar a los campesinos del sur de Bolivia, quienes enfrentaban problemas como el analfabetismo, la pobreza, la falta de acceso a la educación y la salud, y la dependencia económica y política de los gobiernos de turno. ACLO eligió la educación como estrategia para el cambio social, político y económico, y se centró en el fortalecimiento de las organizaciones campesinas, la mejora de la economía y la promoción de las demandas y necesidades de los campesinos. La organización también creó radios y un periódico para dar voz a los campesinos y permitir que su voz fuera escuchada en el ámbito público. Además, ACLO promovió la creación de cooperativas campesinas integrales y granjas experimentales y demostrativas para mejorar la producción agropecuaria. Durante la década de los setenta, en tiempos de dictadura, ACLO continuó trabajando en la alfabetización radial y el cooperativismo con las organizaciones y comunidades campesinas. La organización tuvo un impacto significativo en la vida de los campesinos del sur de Bolivia, y su compromiso con la liberación de los campesinos fue en línea con la posición de la Iglesia Católica en el Concilio Vaticano II y en las Conferencias Episcopales Latinoamericanas de Río de Janeiro y Puebla. La Fundación ACLO promueve el desarrollo rural sostenible a través de la agricultura sostenible y la formación de líderes en equilibrio con el medio natural. Debido a los cambios estructurales en el país, la organización ajusta su Marco Estratégico Institucional y elabora nuevos planes programáticos. En el nuevo plan, se incluye la acción en los barrios de las ciudades, ya que gran parte de los campesinos e indígenas viven allí ahora. El plan se enfoca en la justicia social, económica y política a través de tres desafíos estratégicos y se extiende a la región del Chaco boliviano.
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: Yes
Org Type(s): Civic organisation
Countries where you work: BO
Level of work: National
Sustainable Development Goals: 1: No Poverty,2: Zero Hunger,3: Good Health and Well-being,4: Quality Education,8: Decent Work and Economic Growth,10: Reduced Inequality,13: Climate Action
Org Mission: Una Bolivia justa, solidaria, intercultural, democrática, sostenible en armonía con el medio ambiente, donde los empobrecidos de los pueblos indígenas originarios campesinos y poblaciones urbano populares, han alcanzado el Vivir Bien (Allin Kawsay – Yaiko Kavi – Sumaj Q’amaña).
Org Description: Somos una institución de inspiración cristiana-ignaciana liberadora y con voz propia que desde el Sur de Bolivia y, a través de nuestras acciones de promoción social, económico-productivas, educativas-comunicativas, incidencia política y medio ambiental, buscamos cambios estructurales para lograr Vivir Bien. Acción Cultural Loyola (ACLO) fue fundada en 1966 por la Compañía de Jesús, con el objetivo de ayudar a los campesinos del sur de Bolivia, quienes enfrentaban problemas como el analfabetismo, la pobreza, la falta de acceso a la educación y la salud, y la dependencia económica y política de los gobiernos de turno. ACLO eligió la educación como estrategia para el cambio social, político y económico, y se centró en el fortalecimiento de las organizaciones campesinas, la mejora de la economía y la promoción de las demandas y necesidades de los campesinos. La organización también creó radios y un periódico para dar voz a los campesinos y permitir que su voz fuera escuchada en el ámbito público. Además, ACLO promovió la creación de cooperativas campesinas integrales y granjas experimentales y demostrativas para mejorar la producción agropecuaria. Durante la década de los setenta, en tiempos de dictadura, ACLO continuó trabajando en la alfabetización radial y el cooperativismo con las organizaciones y comunidades campesinas. La organización tuvo un impacto significativo en la vida de los campesinos del sur de Bolivia, y su compromiso con la liberación de los campesinos fue en línea con la posición de la Iglesia Católica en el Concilio Vaticano II y en las Conferencias Episcopales Latinoamericanas de Río de Janeiro y Puebla. La Fundación ACLO promueve el desarrollo rural sostenible a través de la agricultura sostenible y la formación de líderes en equilibrio con el medio natural. Debido a los cambios estructurales en el país, la organización ajusta su Marco Estratégico Institucional y elabora nuevos planes programáticos. En el nuevo plan, se incluye la acción en los barrios de las ciudades, ya que gran parte de los campesinos e indígenas viven allí ahora. El plan se enfoca en la justicia social, económica y política a través de tres desafíos estratégicos y se extiende a la región del Chaco boliviano.
City, State/Region, Country: , ,
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: Yes
Org Type(s):
Countries where you work:
Level of work:
Sustainable Development Goals: 15: Life on Land
Org Mission:
Org Description:
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: Yes
Org Type(s):
Countries where you work:
Level of work:
Sustainable Development Goals: 15: Life on Land
Org Mission:
Org Description:
City, State/Region, Country: , ,
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: Yes
Org Type(s): Issue-based organisation
Countries where you work: SS
Level of work:
Sustainable Development Goals: 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Org Mission: • To be a Centre of excellence for progressive research, development, and demonstration of innovative social justice by enabling knowledge creation and technology transfer by engaging with government agencies and research institutions. • Build capacity of youth and women, guarantee their rights, and increase their understanding of issues on Governance and innovation; besides building peaceful relationships among people of all ages and cultures through training, research undertakings. • Create a multi-disciplinary and collaborative environment for the delivery of liveliness to the society on a sustainable manner
Org Description: Founded and registered in accordance with South Sudan NGOs Act under Chapter 3, section 10, 2016, Africa Centre for Research and Development is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Juba in the Republic of South Sudan. ACRAD has emphasis or focus on research and innovation, Governance and policy analysis, and regional and global linkages. The Centre is, therefore, dedicated to policy research, innovation and development of South Sudan. The Organization endeavors to strengthen the ability of South Sudan States to identify and resolve their security problems without compromising civil-military co-operation, democratic values and equitable distribution of resources. The organization undertakes that research and development (R&D) is a valuable tool for growing and improving communities’ well-being, as Organizations that have a Research and Development (R&D) strategy have a greater chance of success than organizations that don't. The Centre will also work towards gender justice in South Sudan. This simply means attempting to address complex chronic social, cultural and economic injustice. Thus, the key issue in this particular topic includes namely violence against women, discrimination against women, Governance and gender, women economy, gender sensitization and mainstreaming within all sectors of the society. ACRAD firmly believes that all people should bear equal rights, privileges and opportunities. ACRAD further believes that women can be catalysts for and agents of social change, and that change itself is a gradual process. ACRAD also recognizes that restructuring gender relations requires participation from all actors: women and men, young and old, grassroots to national levels, private and public institutions alike.
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: Yes
Org Type(s): Issue-based organisation
Countries where you work: SS
Level of work:
Sustainable Development Goals: 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Org Mission: • To be a Centre of excellence for progressive research, development, and demonstration of innovative social justice by enabling knowledge creation and technology transfer by engaging with government agencies and research institutions. • Build capacity of youth and women, guarantee their rights, and increase their understanding of issues on Governance and innovation; besides building peaceful relationships among people of all ages and cultures through training, research undertakings. • Create a multi-disciplinary and collaborative environment for the delivery of liveliness to the society on a sustainable manner
Org Description: Founded and registered in accordance with South Sudan NGOs Act under Chapter 3, section 10, 2016, Africa Centre for Research and Development is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Juba in the Republic of South Sudan. ACRAD has emphasis or focus on research and innovation, Governance and policy analysis, and regional and global linkages. The Centre is, therefore, dedicated to policy research, innovation and development of South Sudan. The Organization endeavors to strengthen the ability of South Sudan States to identify and resolve their security problems without compromising civil-military co-operation, democratic values and equitable distribution of resources. The organization undertakes that research and development (R&D) is a valuable tool for growing and improving communities’ well-being, as Organizations that have a Research and Development (R&D) strategy have a greater chance of success than organizations that don't. The Centre will also work towards gender justice in South Sudan. This simply means attempting to address complex chronic social, cultural and economic injustice. Thus, the key issue in this particular topic includes namely violence against women, discrimination against women, Governance and gender, women economy, gender sensitization and mainstreaming within all sectors of the society. ACRAD firmly believes that all people should bear equal rights, privileges and opportunities. ACRAD further believes that women can be catalysts for and agents of social change, and that change itself is a gradual process. ACRAD also recognizes that restructuring gender relations requires participation from all actors: women and men, young and old, grassroots to national levels, private and public institutions alike.
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: No
Org Type(s): Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Countries where you work: NG
Level of work: National
Sustainable Development Goals: 5: Gender Equality
Org Mission: Our primary mission is to transform societal response to violence against women and children through education, advocacy, sensitization, and awareness. Over our years of existence, we have continually demonstrated our mission in diverse program activities. Our board of trustees are predominantly women who are all victims and survivors of gender-based violence; please see below their short bios.
Org Description: Action Against Child Sexual Abuse (ACSAI) is a women-led non-profit focused on leveraging the use of communication technology to drive activities towards ending violence against women and children in Nigeria. ACSAI was founded in 2016 with a vision to build a society where no woman or child is sexually harassed or abused, and the culture of silence and discrimination against victims of gender-based violence is brought to an end. We have since then worked in line with this vision through our program areas.
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: No
Org Type(s): Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Countries where you work: NG
Level of work: National
Sustainable Development Goals: 5: Gender Equality
Org Mission: Our primary mission is to transform societal response to violence against women and children through education, advocacy, sensitization, and awareness. Over our years of existence, we have continually demonstrated our mission in diverse program activities. Our board of trustees are predominantly women who are all victims and survivors of gender-based violence; please see below their short bios.
Org Description: Action Against Child Sexual Abuse (ACSAI) is a women-led non-profit focused on leveraging the use of communication technology to drive activities towards ending violence against women and children in Nigeria. ACSAI was founded in 2016 with a vision to build a society where no woman or child is sexually harassed or abused, and the culture of silence and discrimination against victims of gender-based violence is brought to an end. We have since then worked in line with this vision through our program areas.
City, State/Region, Country: , ,
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: Yes
Org Type(s):
Countries where you work:
Level of work:
Sustainable Development Goals: : No Povert
Org Mission:
Org Description:
Offering Funding?: No
Seeking Funding?: Yes
Org Type(s):
Countries where you work:
Level of work:
Sustainable Development Goals: : No Povert
Org Mission:
Org Description: