Report and Database on Global Investments in Energy

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  • #14708


    Hi everyone,

    On behalf of the International Accountability Project and our partners, we’re excited to
    announce the release of a comprehensive report and database of +900 energy investments, valued at USD$140 billion.

    The report provides six key insights and sheds light on current energy investments (2022-2023), including fossil fuel and renewable energy, as well as the public and private actors involved. The database identifies the roles of more than 600 companies and 14 development banks in more that 160 countries.

    Download the report:<wbr>EnergyFinanceTrackerReport
    View the public database:<wbr>EnergyTrackerFinancing

    We hope both the analysis and data informs and supports your ongoing research and advocacy for Climate Justice and a Just Transition. Feel free to reach out with your questions or if you’re interested in collaborating on further analyses, outreach, or advocacy initiatives utilizing our report or the Energy Finance Tracker database.

    In solidarity,

    Ryan Schlief

    Executive Director, International Accountability Project

Original Post
0 of 0 posts June 2018