8th East Africa Philanthropy Conference – June 28/30, Zanzibar

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  • #7066

    The East Africa Philanthropy Conference is a great place to learn more about philanthropy in the region and the continent. While not a funding opportunity this is a great event focused on East Africa where there is much to learn about local philanthropy and other funders supporting CSOs in the region.

    Register here for the conference.

    The Annual East Africa Philanthropy Conference is the signature philanthropy event in the region hosted by the East Africa Philanthropy Network, a voluntary membership organization that draws its membership from local charitable trusts, foundations, grant making and non-grant making organizations in East Africa with the primary aim of promoting philanthropy. The Conference is a gathering of over 300 practitioners and philanthropic organizations in the region. It provides a platform for sharing experiences, collective reflection, as well as the curation and development of philanthropic and social tools and investment practices for the continent’s people and partners. A committee made up of EAPN members, partners and stakeholders to conceptualize, vision and plan, including determining the conference theme, agenda and selecting abstracts that inform the program organizes this conference.

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0 of 0 posts June 2018