Future Earth: Early-PEGASuS 5.1: Take it Further Deadline Date: February 15

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  • #13062


    PEGASuS 5.1: Take it Further

    Future Earth, with funding from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation’s Science Program, is now offering a new grant opportunity to existing research teams and their new partners. This opportunity will support teams to engage in transdisciplinary research in one of two different thematic areas:

    1. Using Nature-Based Solutions to mitigate or adapt to climate change specific to the oceans and coastal systems and
    2. Science-informed decision-support tools for reducing risk and/or improving response to disaster scenarios.

    This opportunity will focus on enhancing and accelerating the existing projects, fostering new cross-project collaborations, and facilitating the involvement of new partners. The supported projects should develop new knowledge, innovative and integrated solutions, and tools. The collaborative proposal must be submitted by a project lead based at an institution in a country in the Global South or by an indigenous-led organization in any country. Applicants must have an established organizational bank account to receive funds.

    Grant Size: $50,000

    Deadline Date: February 15, 2024

    Geographical Target: Global South

    Link: https://futureearth.org/initiatives/funding-initiatives/pegasus/

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