Future Earth: PEGASuS 6 Grants

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  • #13063


    PEGASuS 6 – Risk, Response, and Responsibility in Latin America and the Caribbean

    Future Earth’s PEGASuS is launching its sixth thematic research call. The PEGASuS VI call solicits proposals from transdisciplinary teams in Latin America and the Caribbean addressing the theme of Risk, Response, and Responsibility. The goal of this call is to support approaches that advance decision-making and planning capabilities through the integration of multiple sciences with lived experience from stakeholder groups, including but not limited to community and government representatives, planning councils, disaster response and humanitarian aid organizations, insurance and reinsurance companies, and communications partners.

    Because of the many human elements in both the management, recovery, and reduction of risk, all proposals must include a social scientist or public health expert. Other knowledge holders and experts may come from a breadth of other disciplines and professions depending on the risk being addressed. Other details and required elements of proposal submissions follow below.

    Grant Size: $250,000

    Deadline Date: February 15, 2024

    Geographical Target: Latin America and the Caribbean

    Link: https://futureearth.org/initiatives/funding-initiatives/pegasus/

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