Grand Challenges Canada: Seed Grants of $250,000 Each

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  • #9962


    Applications open for 20 Seed Grants of $250,000 Each

    Do you have an innovative solution to improve the lives of communities in conflict-affected regions? Does your innovation aim to improve access to energy, life-saving information, health supplies and services that better meet the needs of the most vulnerable and hardest-to-reach people affected by humanitarian crises caused by conflict? If yes, this grant is for you.

    💰 Grant Size: CAD $250,000 (20 seed innovations, each winning $250,000)
    📅 Deadline Date: August 22, 2023
    🎁 Donor Name: Grand Challenges Canada
    📎 Reference URL:
    🌍 Target Areas: Sudan, Nigeria, CAR, Ethiopia, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Mozambique, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, DRC, Yemen, + More

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0 of 0 posts June 2018