Looking for Grants to Maintain Operational Costs

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  • #6027

    Hassan Yasin

    Dear Funding Partners

    Somali Greenpeace Association (SOGPA) is civil society nonprofit organization formed to be part of the world in tackling climate change, environmental problems, food security and empowering youth. SOGPA is committed to promote climate and environmental justice in Somalia. It was formed in 2019 as result of climate change and environmental degradation awareness needed by the Somali People. We are currently looking for strategic funding partners who can support our daily programs and operations. If you think you are the right donor please do contact us at info@sogpa.org and Hassanmowlid@sogpa.org. more of our work you can see at https://www.sogpa.org/ https://twitter.com/SOGPA2

Original Post
0 of 0 posts June 2018