Purposeful 5 Year Report – Resourcing Girls' Resistance

  • Creator
  • #7430

    5 Years of Resourcing Girls’ Resistance & Funding for Girls

    Informative, impactful and beautifuly designed 5 year report from Purposeful on their funding. Much to learn from about how to support girls.

    You can download the report here.

    Purposeful is an Africa-rooted global hub for girls’
    organising and activism. Between 2018-2022, Purposeful provided resources of $5.2 million USD to 613 collectives in 107 countries.

    You can learn more about accessing their funding here.

  • Purposeful 5 Year Report – Resourcing Girls' Resistance

  • Ochol

    May 9, 2023 at 4:12 pm

    Hello Teresa,

    I have read the report you have sent,its quite interesting piece of paper



    Micheal Ochola Ocakacon

    Executive Director

    Community Action for Change

  • Teresa Crawford

    May 16, 2023 at 2:46 pm
    ContributorFounding Member

    I am glad you found it useful. I am thinking to invite them to do a webinar for us and the other members of the platform. @nsangou what do you think?

  • Halima

    May 16, 2023 at 5:51 pm
    ContributorFounding Member

    I am in total support of this idea. Especially for the sub Saharan Africa as there are quite a number of orgs dealing with women & girls.. This should be 🔥 @TeresaCrawford

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