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  • #8049

    Titilayo Adelaja

    KujaLink Incentive Funding

    Dear Sir/Ma

    I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to request your valuable support for Widows, organized by Mother’s Pride and Development Initiative.

    As an esteemed organization dedicated to promoting the welfare and economic empowerment of disadvantaged widows and education of their children. Your partnership and participation would greatly enhance the success and impact of this event. As you may know, June 23rd is recognized globally as International Widows Day, a day set aside to raise awareness about the challenges faced by widows and their children. It is a day to show solidarity with them and to support their rights and welfare. In light of this, Mother’s Pride and Development Initiative is planning series of events to commemorate widows day, In the month of Nov/Dec.

    These events will include seminars, workshops, presentations, community outreach programs aimed at educating widows and their children on their rights and equipping them with the skills and resources needed to become self-sufficient. We are reaching out to you, KujaLink Incentive Funding Group, to request your support for this initiative. To make this event a resounding success, we are seeking support in the following ways;

    Financial support:Your generous financial contribution will help cover the event’s operational costs, such as venue rental, refreshments, media and publicity, public address system and logistical arrangements.

    Resources sharing:We invite you and your organization to contribute welfare supports such as food items (Bags of wheat, sugar, salt, bottles of vegetables oil and palm oil and others that align with the event’s requirements and activities.

    Sponsorship: As we strive to continue our work, we are seeking financial assistance from you to support the following aspects of the empowerment program; grinding machine, sewing machine, hair dressing equipments, school children fee support and many more.

    Participation: We welcome your organization’s active participation in the event through cultural performances, exhibitions, workshops, or any other meaningful contribution that showcase your cultural heritage. We believe that your organization’s support will go a long way in helping us achieve our goals and objectives for International Widows Day.

    Your support will help us to reach out to more widows and their children, provide them with the necessary resources, and empower them to become self-sufficient. In return for your support, we will provide your organization with visibility and recognition at our events, as well as in our promotional materials and social media platforms. We will also provide you with regular updates on the progress and impact of our initiatives. We would be honored to have your organization as a partner in this important initiative. We look forward to hearing from you soon and hope that you will consider supporting us in our efforts to empower widows and their children. Thank you for considering our request for support. We look forward to the possibility of working together to create an unforgettable Widow’s Day Celebration.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Mrs Titilayo Adelaja Oretan

    Founder & CEO MPDI

Original Post
0 of 0 posts June 2018