The Eleanor Crook Foundation (ECF)

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  • #10128


    The Foundation recognizes that designing a full proposal for complex research or trials of malnutrition programs is challenging and time- and resource-intensive. For this reason, we are seeking brief expressions of interest from interested partners at this time for the first stage of the process. Depending on the ideas expressed, the Foundation will then decide whether to issue an open-RFP, closed-RFP around one or more concepts to participants from the EOI, or work directly with one or more partners to develop sole-source project(s). While the Foundation reserves the right to not issue any solicitations for longer proposals if the EOIs do not suggest that there is a compelling opportunity at this time, the reform agenda is a critical ongoing workstream for the Foundation. The goal of the research is to generate evidence that can drive greater consensus on the answer to the question: how can governments, donors and implementers save as many lives as possible through nutrition interventions?

    Compelling EOIs will provide a clear justification for how novel primary or secondary research approaches will meaningfully advance the debate, and make a difference compared with current evidence in this space.


Original Post
0 of 0 posts June 2018