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  • #5007

    Kujalink Team

    Hello Members 😉

    I hope you are all well.

    Here are minutes of Office hours that happened on Tuesday 20/09/2022. Let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns.


    Members Present

    Halima – KujaLink

    Edgar – KujaLink

    Elisabeth – INSAN

    The following was discussed during Office Hours on the 20/09/2022:

    1. The new face of the platform’s homepage and landing pages. These changes are a mixture of suggestions by the KujaLink team and that of the KujaLink members.

    Under the Groups tabs you can now do the following:

    • Post upto 5 photos

    • Tag or mention members

    • Send group or private messages to members

    • Upload photos, albums and Videos

    • Uploading documents

    • Inviting members to groups you would like them to be members of

    1. We have new organisations on the platform; Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) and The Argentine Network for International Cooperation(RACI).

    2. The addition of a KujaLink community team member, Mahmoud – who will take up the role of Community Facilitator for the CASWANAME region – he will be introduced in the next office hours.

    Today marked the soft launch of the platform with most suggestions having been implemented. The second launch will be on 02/10/2022 and members will be shown more changes that have been developed up until then.

    Points of Action:

    1. Elisabeth mentioned that she would take a look at the new changes and see what works and what does not.

    2. The KujaLink team continues to work on the suggestions to improve user experience.

    3. Two office hour sessions per week to cater for all members in the different regions – community member team will discuss this and relay way forward in the next office hours session.

    Looking forward to seeing you on 27/09/2022 during next week’s office hours. Be sure to join in via the Video call link: https://meet.google.com/zau-nqmj-axc from 4:00 pm East African Time.

    See you then!

    Attached are screen grabs of the changes on the platform.

Original Post
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