Call For Applications: Rise Up Launches in Kenya
Global nonprofit Rise Up will select a group of visionary local leaders from Nairobi County, Kenya to participate in our Leadership and Advocacy Accelerator training program to advance gender equity and justice in 2023. Visionary leaders between the ages of 18 and 60 from Nairobi County are invited to apply to join our network of over 800 leaders who have successfully advocated for more than 185 new and improved laws and policies impacting 160 million people and advancing gender equity globally.
Deadline to apply: September 3, 2023
Following a competitive selection process, Rise Up will select visionary leaders to join a cohort of 25 leaders working in Nairobi County on girls’ education. Rise Up has developed an innovative hybrid—virtual and in-person—model that integrates intensive capacity building, leadership development, project funding, and technical support to enable the leaders to launch strategies to improve access to education, reduce child marriage and adolescent pregnancy, and increase women’s and girls’ leadership opportunities, among others. Rise Up will competitively award grants to participating leaders and their organizations to launch innovative advocacy projects improving educational access and opportunities to adolescent girls across Nairobi County.
For more information, please contact Rise Up’s Kenya Program Coordinator Naomi Monda at