Climate + Philanthropy: A Compact Learning Journey

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  • #10436


    Why take this course?

    Increasingly, climate change and our response to it is taking centre stage at all levels of society.

    With only 2% of funding going to climate mitigation, the philanthropy sector needs to do more to respond proactively to climate change and champion positive societal change (ClimateWorks, 2021). By taking this Climate + Philanthropy online short course, you’ll gain the insights needed to drive the change for a more regenerative and prosperous future – from within your foundation and beyond. Guided by over 20 industry experts, you will explore how to align your grantmaking, operations and investing with climate action, and become a driver for change in your network.

    The course comprises a multimedia composition of texts, videos, visuals and infographics, structured in modules with bite-sized lessons. Five interactive Zoom sessions accompany the self-paced learning.

    Registration Link:

Original Post
0 of 0 posts June 2018