Creating an Enabling Environment for Localisation – Pathways to Action

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  • #10858


    We are excited to invite you to a thought-provoking UNGA side event that aims to bridge the gap between the enabling environment and locally-led development agendas. The event ‘Creating an Enabling Environment for Localisation – Pathways to Action’ promises to be an enlightening and collaborative experience.

    You will hear from a cross-sectoral panel with representatives from public (bi-lateral) funders, philanthropy, and civil society, on questions such as:
    – What are the conditions necessary to realise the localisation agenda? What are the elements that need to be in place?
    – How do the UN guidelines on civil society resourcing open up more opportunities to increase localization?
    – Does engaging with questions around the enabling environment change approaches to localization?
    – When changing organizational practices towards more localization, did improving the enabling environment come up as an underpinning success factor? If not, why?

    Speakers include:

    – United Nations Special Rapporteur Clement Voule will provide a recorded message that frames the discussions

    -Peter Laugharn, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation

    – Degan Ali, ADESO

    – Benjamin Bellegy, WINGS (moderator)


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0 of 0 posts June 2018