Locally Led Action in Outbreak Response

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  • #11871


    Join us for this one-hour webinar, moderated by Adeso’s Executive Director Degan Ali, which will showcase an expert panel discussion between global and national humanitarian and public health experts, and their reflections on localization challenges and proposed solutions to advance locally-led action in outbreak preparedness, readiness, and response efforts.

    Featured expert moderator and panelists:

    • Moderator: Degan Ali, Executive Director, Adeso, Kenya
    • Panelist: Jameel Abdo, CEO, Tamdeen Youth Foundation, Yemen
    • Panelist: Dr. Eba Pasha, Technical Officer, Global Health Cluster
    • Panelist: Dr. Alex Mutanganayi Yogolelo, Humanitarian Public Health Specialist, Democratic Republic of Congo

    Date November 29th

    Time: 13:00-14:00 GMT

    Link for Registration: https://savechildren.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__BU4BXuOSNOvN2JuYLd_Yg#/registration

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