Sub Saharan Africa (SSA)
This group is for funders, their grantee partners, CSO networks and their members and individual organizations working throughout Sub Saharan Africa. Use this group to discuss issues of shared concern, share opportunities for collaboration and support.
Sharing informations
Hello every one
The organization SUPPORT PROGRAM FIGTH AGAINST POVRETY FOR EMERGENCY AND SUSBTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT or in POPROGRAMME D’APPUI À LA LUTTE CONTRE LA PAUVRETE POUR L’EMERGENCE ET LA RESTAURATION D’UN DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE in acronym PALPER -RDC is non profit organization who working in Democratic Republic of the Congo,north-kivu province , we are working for reduce vulnerabiliy to the people ( children,women,old persons) in difficulte situation and diseaster, our working secetors are: EDUCATION ,HEALTH, WASH, AGRICULTURE,ENVIRONMENT,PROTECTION, NFI,MICROFINANCE,RESEACHES , for more informations try to see or visite our Facebook page : Palper asbl-RDC or or contact our team on ground and in differents offices :
– Skype : PALPER-Asbl-RDC
Our contact mail is :
– +243975273073