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  • #5892

    Martin MASHAGIRO

    Hello every one

    The organization SUPPORT PROGRAM FIGTH AGAINST POVRETY FOR EMERGENCY AND SUSBTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT or in POPROGRAMME D’APPUI À LA LUTTE CONTRE LA PAUVRETE POUR L’EMERGENCE ET LA RESTAURATION D’UN DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE in acronym PALPER -RDC is non profit organization who working in Democratic Republic of the Congo,north-kivu province , we are working for reduce vulnerabiliy to the people ( children,women,old persons) in difficulte situation and diseaster, our working secetors are: EDUCATION ,HEALTH, WASH, AGRICULTURE,ENVIRONMENT,PROTECTION, NFI,MICROFINANCE,RESEACHES , for more informations try to see or visite our Facebook page : Palper asbl-RDC or or contact our team on ground and in differents offices :

    – Skype : PALPER-Asbl-RDC

    Our contact mail is :

    – +243975273073

Original Post
0 of 0 posts June 2018