Strengthening the East & West African Philanthropy Support Ecosystem

  • Creator
  • #6268

    Participatory Mapping of the African Philanthropy Landscape from WINGS

    A project led by WINGS, TrustAfrica and the East African Philanthropy Network

    The African philanthropy landscape is incredibly rich, characterised by a diversity of actors, practices, and policies. Very old traditions of giving, rooted in cultures of solidarity, co-exist with more modern forms of philanthropic institutions and practices, bringing energy and opportunity to unlock more local resources, as well as challenges in terms of coordinating players and reinforcing collaborations.

    The critical role strong and well connected philanthropic support ecosystems can play—in enabling, powering and amplifying resources for the greater good—is often insufficiently understood and leveraged by local stakeholders themselves who don’t always see themselves as key participants, or feel disengaged from a broader regional agenda. This leads to critical underinvestment in the field, and missed opportunities.

  • Strengthening the East & West African Philanthropy Support Ecosystem

  • Mankaba

    March 23, 2023 at 7:49 pm

    Increasing awareness and building capacity among local stakeholders can help remedy “Missed opportunities”.

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0 of 0 posts June 2018