How do I know a funder or an organization on the site is real?

KujaLink verifies users and organizations in several ways.

  1. Verified e-mail accounts – every new user must respond to a verification e-mail sent to the account they use to register.
  2. All new registrations are approved by a member of the platform team after we verify their e-mail against a list of approved domains (the domain names of organizations with whom we are currently working). If they are not using an e-mail from an approved domain we check for affiliation.
  3. All new registrants must name an organization with whom they are affiliated which our team then checks for an online presence (website, social media account)
  4. All new registrants are asked to name a funder or network with whom they are connected which our team then checks for an online presence (website, social media account) and if they are a member of the the platform.
  5. If we still cannot verify the user we reach out directly and arrange for a video call.
  6. Soon we will add an ‘invitation’ feature to the site so existing users can invite new users from their network of partners or grantees.